Chrysalis Room

Welcome to our Chrysalis Room

Rūma Raukatauri

Children’s needs and routines are individually met so that continuity between home and daycare is kept at maximum levels and maintained effectively.

In this room children are able to explore through play. There are a lot of resources available, and space is definitely not an issue. Children explore both indoor and outdoor spaces freely and safely. Educational experiences are planned and implemented in a way that engages each child individually.

A healthy morning/afternoon tea is provided. Children have supervised access to the refrigerator which has their lunch boxes, giving them a sense of responsibility and manaakitanga (caring) for their belongings.

Check out photos of our Chrysalis indoor and outdoor spaces below.

For children aged 20 months to 3 years

In the Chrysalis Room (Rūma Raukatauri) we care for children mostly aged twenty months to three years, depending on their comfort, learning and development.

Once they are ready, they move up into our Butterfly Room (Rūma Pūrerehua) which is designed for children aged three to five years.
